2011 IEEE Honors: IEEE Richard M. Emberson Award - Donald C. Loughry

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#2011 Honors #Richard M. Emberson Award #Donald C. Loughry

Donald C. Loughry's leadership and support of IEEE standards initiatives have provided the structure necessary for the success- ful growth of computer networking and wireless communications technology. Among his many contributions to standards devel- opment, Loughry was a key initiator of the IEEE's 802 family of standards during the 1980s and 1990s, which has had important implications for local area networks (LANs) and wireless data transfer. The 802 group would become one of the most prolific sponsors of standards within IEEE with great economic and social impact. In 1980, Loughry helped form the IEEE 802 LAN standards committee, which had the task of reaching consensus on three to five LAN standards to facilitate development and implementation of the technology. Loughry served as the initial study group chairperson for work on Ethernet connection tech- nology. He was a key contributor to the 802.3 working group, which defined a 10 megabit per second connection standard in 1985. By 1998, the 802.3 Ethernet standard was employed in over 100 million computer networks worldwide. During the 1990s, Loughry helped initiate the development of the 802.11 standards for wireless LANs, providing the structure for wireless data transfer to laptop computers, digital music players and other handheld devices throughout homes, businesses and at WiFi hotspots. Loughry also worked hard to give IEEE the repu- tation of a worldwide standards organization, leading the evolution of the IEEE Standards Board into the IEEE Standards Association. An IEEE Life Senior Member, Loughry worked for Hewlett-Packard Company, Palo Alto, Calif., for 42 years until his retirement in 1998 as standards manager.

For leadership in the development of technical standards within IEEE that meet critical industrial and societal imperatives.

