A Principled Way to Use Frameworks in Architecture Design

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#software architecture,Frameworks,Architecture,Design,design patterns,frameworks,tactics

Author Humberto Cervantes from Autonomous Metropolitan University interviews Josué MartÌnez Buenrrostro, a Software Architect at Quarksoft in Mexico City about the design process discussed in the article "A Principled Way to Use Frameworks in Architecture Design." From IEEE Software's March/April 2013 issue: http://www.computer.org/csdl/mags/so/2013/02/index.html. Visit IEEE Software: http://www.computer.org/software.

Author Humberto Cervantes from Autonomous Metropolitan University interviews Josué MartÌnez Buenrrostro, a Software Architect at Quarksoft in Mexico City about the design process discussed in the article "A Principled Way to Use Frameworks in Architecture Design." From IEEE Software's March/April 2013 issue: http://www.computer.org/csdl/mags/so/2013/02/index.html. Visit IEEE Software: http://www.computer.org/software.

