Anticipating Human Activities for Reactive Robotic Response

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#Hema Koppula #Ashutosh Saxena #Cornell University #anticipatory temporal conditional random field ATCRF #assistive robot #spatialtemporal relations

An important aspect of human perception is anticipation. Anticipating which activities will a human do next (and how to do them) can enable an assistive robot to plan ahead for reactive responses in the human environments. Furthermore, anticipation can even improve the detection accuracy of past activities. This video shows each possible future using an anticipatory temporal conditional random field (ATCRF) that models the rich spatial-temporal relations through object affordances. The authors then consider each ATCRF as a particle and represent the distribution over the potential futures using a set of particles.

This video shows how an assistive robot can anticipate which activities a human will do next (and how to do them), and can then plan ahead for reactive responses in the human environments. Anticipated tasks in this video include opening a refrigerator and drinking from a cup.

