Building Technical Communities Through Entrepreneurship Activities in India - Amit Kumar - Ignite: Sections Congress 2017

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#IEEE #sections congress #2017 #SC2017 #ICC #Darling Harbour #Sydney #Australia #event #Ignite #brief #Amit Kumar #IEEE MGA #SDEA #entrepreneurship #India Initiative #sections #activities #awareness #community #strategy

Amit Kumar, Committee member of IEEE MGA Strategic Direction and Environmental Assessment (SDEA), speaks about the rise of India’s entrepreneurship in a challenging economy. Kumar reviews the IEEE India Initiative, its sections and how to build community with activities to raise awareness about entrepreneurship.

Ignite session follows a strict 5-minute presentation format, filmed at the Exhibition Hall during Sections Congress 2017 in Sydney, Australia.

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Amit Kumar, Committee member of IEEE MGA Strategic Direction and Environmental Assessment (SDEA), speaks about the rise of India’s entrepreneurship in a challenging economy. Kumar reviews the IEEE India Initiative, its sections and how to build community.

