Demystifying Quantum computing - Quick guide to technologies that are shaping quantum computing today for the future -WIE ILC 2021

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Archana Ravindar, Senior Engineer and IBM Q Ambassador, IBM

Joachim Schaefer, Security Consultant, IBM's European Data and Application Security and IBM Quantum Ambassador

Anna Topol, CTO, IBM Research

Quantum computers leverage quantum mechanical phenomena to manipulate information. To do this, they rely on quantum bits or qubits. Quantum field of study is not new, but universal quantum computers are still a new and emerging technology. In this panel we will discuss key aspects of development behind Quantum computers and what capabilities and skills are required to further enhance this disruptive technology. We will start from quantum theory and physics and progress to applications and algorithms, quantum hardware science and system development. We will focus on quantum circuit transpilers that reduce the number of gates in a circuit and yet produce an equivalent result. Optimizations can be hardware independent or depend on topology of the quantum chip, availability of gates and their specific limitations. Then we get to Qiskit open source software development, quantum cloud services and finally quantum control systems. Finally, we will discuss how to tackle quantum risks, in particular with the help of crypto agility. Panelists will give examples where the future innovation is needed and what skills and know-how is required to further progress this exciting technology. We will highlight how over the years the required skill-base is changing for people working in this field.


Archana Ravindar, Senior Engineer and IBM Q Ambassador, IBM

Joachim Schaefer, Security Consultant, IBM's European Data and Application Security and IBM Quantum Ambassador

Anna Topol, CTO, IBM Research

Quantum computers leverage quantum mechanical phenomena to manipulate information. To do this, they rely on quantum bits or qubits. Quantum field of study is not new, but universal quantum computers are still a new and emerging technology. In this panel we will discuss key aspects of development behind Quantum computers and what capabilities and skills are required to further enhance this disruptive technology...

