Jim Prendergast - Opening Ceremony: Sections Congress 2017

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#IEEE #sections congress #2017 #SC2017 #ICC #Darling Harbour #Sydney #Australia #event #general session #opening ceremony #Jim Prendergast #Executive Director #statistics #technology #future #strategy #goals #professional #motivation #inspiration

IEEE Executive Director and COO, Jim Prendergast, welcomes the Sections Congress attendees to hometown of Sydney, Australia. Prendergast explains his role in IEEE, shares its impressive stats and IEEE’s most recent achievements around the world.

Visit the SC2017 Website: http://sections-congress.ieee.org/

IEEE Executive Director and COO, Jim Prendergast, welcomes the Sections Congress attendees to hometown of Sydney, Australia. Prendergast explains his role in IEEE, shares its impressive stats and IEEE’s most recent achievements around the world.  

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