Shaping the 5G-Powered Smart City of Tomorrow

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Shaping the 5G-Powered Smart City of Tomorrow

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Shaping the 5G-Powered Smart City of Tomorrow

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 With migration increasing into urban environments, smart cities offer a way to keep us thriving, both in our daily lives, and in the face of crises like climate change, pandemics, and terrorism. This session explores how 5G can be harnessed to keep IoT-powered cities running – from the humble smart water meter all the way to autonomous EMS vehicles. It looks at success stories of service providers partnering with technologists, enterprises, and governments to define how to use 5G effectively. By illustrating the smart city of the (near) future, I’ll also pinpoint the hotbeds of 5G opportunity – verticals with strong IoT growth projections that are also inherently mobile.

Shaping the 5G-Powered Smart City of Tomorrow

Ken Davidson

