Stephen Grossberg


Stephen Grossberg - - is the Wang Professor of Cognitive and Neural Systems and Professor of Mathematics, Psychology, and Biomedical Engineering at Boston University. Grossberg is a major pioneer and current leader of theoretical research on how brains give rise to minds, and how technology can emulate biological intelligence. In the 1960s, Grossberg introduced the paradigm and the core nonlinear systems of differential equations for short-term memory, medium-term memory, and long-term memory that form the foundation of computational neuroscience, connectionist cognitive science, and many approaches to neuromorphic technology. Grossberg has discovered design principles and neural architectures that clarify how the behavior of individuals, or machines, an adapt autonomously in real-time to unexpected environmental challenges. He introduced and made critical contributions to adaptive resonance theory (ART), competitive learning and self-organizing maps, and content-addressable memories and their Liapunov functions. His subsequent work includes models of vision and visual object recognition; audition, speech, and language; brain development; attentive learning and memory; cognitive information processing and social cognition; reinforcement learning and motivation; cognitive-emotional interactions; navigation; sensory-motor control and robotics; and mental disorders. These models involve many parts of the brain, ranging from perception to action, and multiple levels of brain organization, ranging from individual spikes and their synchronization to cognition. Many of these projects are done in collaborations with PhD students, postdoctoral fellows, and faculty. Grossberg also collaborates with experimentalist colleagues to design experiments to test theoretical predictions and fill conceptually important gaps in the experimental literature, carry out analyses of the mathematical dynamics of neural systems, and transfer biological neural models to applications in neuromorphic engineering and technology.  


Grossberg founded and was first President of the International Neural Network Society (INNS), founded and was Editor-in-Chief of Neural Networks, and served as editor for 30 journals. He was general chairman of the IEEE First International Conference on Neural Networks and played a key role organizing the first annual meeting of INNS, whose fusion led to the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). His lecture series at MIT Lincoln Laboratory on neuromorphic technology triggered the national DARPA Study on Neural Networks. He is founding chairman of the Department of Cognitive and Neural Systems, founder and director of the Center for Adaptive Systems, and founding director of the NSF Center of Excellence for Learning in Education, Science.


He won the 2017 IEEE Frank Rosenblatt Award, 1991 IEEE Neural Network Pioneer Award, the 1992 INNS Leadership Award, the 1992 Boston Computer Society Thinking Technology Award, the 2000 Information Science Award of the Association for Intelligent Machinery, the 2002 Charles River Laboratories prize of the Society for Behavioral Toxicology, and the 2003 INNS Helmholtz Award. He is a 1994 Fellow of the American Psychological Association, a 1996 Fellow of the Society of Experimental Psychologists, a 2002 Fellow of the American Psychological Society, a 2005 IEEE Fellow, and a 2012 INNS Fellow. Grossberg has published 17 books or journal special issues, over 500 research articles, and has 7 patents. See and
