Timothy Constandinou


Dr Timothy Constandinou is a Reader in Neural Microsystems at Imperial College London and also Deputy Director of the Centre for Bio-inspired Technology. Dr Constandinou received BEng and PhD degrees in Electronic Engineering from Imperial College London in 2001 and 2005, respectively. 

He leads the Next Generation Neural Interfaces (NGNI) Lab at Imperial. His group creates innovative neurotechnologies to enable communication between the nervous system and electronic devicesThe ultimate goal is to develop devices that interface with neural pathways for restoring lost function in sensory, cognitive and motor impaired patients.

Within the IEEE he serves on several committees/panels, etc, regularly contributing to conference organization, technical activities and governance. He currently serves on the IEEE Circuits & Systems Society (CASS) Board of Governors for the term 2017-19, is associate editor of IEEE Trans. Biomedical Circuits & Systems (TBioCAS), chairs the IEEE CASS Sensory Systems Technical Committee, and serves on the IEEE BRAIN Initiative Steering Committee and IEEE CASS BioCAS Technical Committee.

