Beyond the Cellular Paradigm: Cell-Free Architectures with Radio Stripes - IEEE Future Networks Webinar

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This webinar was recorded on March 10, 2020 and sponsored by the IEEE Future Networks Initiative education working group. 

ABSTRACT: The fifth generation of cellular network technology is now a reality and promises higher peak rates and better service quality than previous generations. However, these gains are not achievable everywhere. The cellular architecture is characterized by a sparse deployment of high-power access points, which are surrounded by users at different distances. Some are close and get good service, and some are far away and get bad service. Despite all the improvements that have been made from 1G to 5G, this fundamental weakness remains. But there is a potential solution: replacing the conventional cellular architecture with a cell-free architecture, characterized by a dense deployment of low-power access points that jointly serve the users in their vicinity. This webinar covers the motivation and background of cell-free networks and then gives an overview of recent progress on how to practically implement such networks using Massive MIMO processing, dynamic cooperation clusters, and radio stripes.

This webinar was recorded on March 10, 2020 and sponsored by the IEEE Future Networks Initiative education working group.

ABSTRACT: The fifth generation of cellular network technology is now a reality and promises higher peak rates and better service quality than previous generations. However, these gains are not achievable everywhere. The cellular architecture is characterized by a sparse ...

