IEEE Member-only icon Critical use cases for video capturing systems in autonomous driving applications Critical use cases for video capturing systems in autonomous driving applications

Critical use cases for video capturing systems in autonomous driving applications

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#image quality #p2020 #computer vision #automotive imaging #standards #driver safety #road safety #passenger safety #signal reconstruction #SOTIF #autonomous driving #detection performance

ISO 26262 SOTIF real use cases. Systematic derivation of object and scene parameters which are used to differentiate detection performance. Application of KPI-judgment in the given scene. The impact of camera HW and Signal reconstruction SW on detect

Critical use cases for video capturing systems in autonomous driving applications

  • ISO 26262 SOTIF (safety of intended function) real use cases
  • Systematic derivation of object and scene parameters which are used to differentiate detection performance
  • Application of KPI-judgment in the given scene
  • The impact of camera HW and Signal reconstruction SW on detection performance

Speaker: Dr Marc Geese Chassis Systems Control, Hardware Optics, Robert Bosch

ISO 26262 SOTIF real use cases. Systematic derivation of object and scene parameters which are used to differentiate detection performance. Application of KPI-judgment in the given scene. The impact of camera HW and Signal reconstruction SW on detect

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