IEEE Computer Society Pioneer Award winner "Cleve Moler"

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#Cleve Moler,MATLAB,IEEE,Computer Society,Computer Pioneer Award

Cleve Moler is the 2012 recipient of the IEEE Computer Society Computer Pioneer Award. He won the award for improving the quality of mathematical software and making it more accessible by creating MATLAB. The software is used across numerous industries to create prototypes of everything from medical devices to anti-lock brakes, and the genius of it is that the developers don't even have to understand the mathematics to be able to create robust prototypes. For more on the IEEE Computer Society's awards program, visit

Cleve Moler is the 2012 recipient of the IEEE Computer Society Computer Pioneer Award. He won the award for improving the quality of mathematical software and making it more accessible by creating MATLAB. The software is used across numerous industries to create prototypes of everything from medical devices to anti-lock brakes, and the genius of it is that the developers don't even have to understand the mathematics to be able to create robust prototypes. For more on the IEEE Computer Society's awards program, visit

