V2X: A Panel Discussion - Fog World Congress 2017

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#IEEE #ComSoc #Fog World Congress #FogWorld #OpenFog #future #technology #communications #wireless #computing #fog #engineering #panel #discussion #V2X #Nokia Bell Labs #ETSI #RTI #challenges #solutions #industry #enterprise #vehicles #transportation #smart cities

Panel moderator Dr. Mehmet Ulema, the Director of Standards Development at IEEE Communications Society and Professor at Manhattan College, leads the panelists into a discussion on the challenges and potential solutions in Vehicle to Everything , also known as V2X communications. Panelists includeNurit Sprecher, Outgoing and Founding Chair at ETSI MEC, Stan Schneider, CEO at Real-Time Innovations (RTI), and Tao Zhang, Co-Founder and Board Director of the OpenFog Consortium, and CIO and Board Governor of the IEEE Communications Society.

Learn more about Fog World Congress at https://www.fogcongress.com

Panel moderator Dr. Mehmet Ulema, the Director of Standards Development at IEEE Communications Society and Professor at Manhattan College, leads the panelists into a discussion on the challenges and potential solutions in Vehicle to Everything, also known as V2X communications.

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