APEC 2018 - full live-stream replay

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#IEEE #APEC #Applied Power Electronics #Conference #PELS #IAS #PSMA #2018 #live stream

A full replay of the 2018 APEC Plenary Session, sponsored by Mouser Electronics. 


0:00:00 - Intro by APEC General Chair Eric Persson
0:01:30 - Special Announcement by PELS President Alan Mantooth
0:06:40 - APEC 2018 overview (Persson)
0:12:35 - Plenary overview (Aung Tu)
0:14:35 - Adam L. Hamilton - Power: A Fundamental Ingredient of Advanced Science and Applied Technology
0:42:16 - Johann W. Kolar - Vienna Rectifier and Beyond 
1:13:35 - Muhammad Nawaz - Moving from Si to SiC from the End User's Perspective 
1:46:09 - APEC “Halftime Show” - special programming from IEEE.tv and Mouser
2:14:48 - Zoya Popovic - WPT: from µW/cm2 Harvesting to kW Capacitive Vehicle Powering
2:43:56 - P. Markondeya Raj - 3D Power Packaging made Real with Embedded Component and Substrate Technologies
3:14:34 - Hans Stork - Does Power Efficiency Improve with Consolidation in the Semiconductor Industry? 

For more APEC content, visit: https://ieeetv.ieee.org/event-showcase/apec-2018

View the event website at: http://www.apec-conf.org

A full replay of the 2018 APEC Plenary Session, sponsored by Mouser Electronics. 

0:00:00 - Intro by APEC General Chair Eric Persson
0:01:30 - Special Announcement by PELS President Alan Mantooth
... (click more)

