Algorithmic Decision Making: Impacts and Implications - IEEE Internet Initiative Webinar

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Algorithms, whether analog or digital, are now enmeshed in our lives and our world. As such, humans have become bound to the outcomes of the decisions made by the algorithms we create, affecting life in ways previously unimagined. 

This webinar explores the impact of various aspects of algorithmic decision making in such diverse areas as food production, energy, natural resource management, healthcare, transportation and traffic…to name just a few.

Together, the authors of a forthcoming white paper on this critical topic examine issues of trust, fairness, and data biases; accountability and traceability; key performance indicator (KPI) measurements, and reliability; ethics and societal implications; and how to educate people about the role automated decision making now plays.

Presented by Algorithmic Decision Making white paper authors Pamela Pavliscak and Jared Bielby.


Algorithms, whether analog or digital, are now enmeshed in our lives and our world. As such, humans have become bound to the outcomes of the decisions made by the algorithms we create, affecting life in ways previously unimagined. 

This webinar explores the impact of various aspects of algorithmic decision making in such diverse areas as food production, energy, natural resource management, healthcare, transportation and traffic…to name just a few.

Together, the authors of a forthcoming white paper on this critical topic examine issues of trust, fairness, and data biases; accountability and traceability; key performance indicator (KPI) measurements, and reliability; ethics and societal implications; and how to educate people about the role automated decision making now plays.


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